1.      Udayadityalankara (ಉದಯಾದಿತ್ಯಾಲಂಕಾರ)

2.      udayAdityAlankAra

3.      UdayAditya (A Chola King)

4.      12th Century (approximately 1150 A.D.)

5.      Poetics (Alankara Shastra)

6.      Brief Introduction: ‘Udyadityalankara’ is a short treatise on rhetoric written by Udayaditya who professes to be a son of a Chola king. (Somanatha) He is mentioned by succeeding rhetoricians. This book is based on the well known ‘Kavyadarsha’ by Dandi. ( some of the poems are mere translations) It contains 72 poems consisting of both Vruttas and Kanda padyas. It delineates the concepts of ‘Kavyabheda’, (Categories of poetry) ‘Reethi’, (Modes of writing) Rasa, Kavyaguna and Alankara. Each poem contains both a definition and an illustration. For instance ‘Utprekshalankara’ is defined as attributing an alien quality to an object even though it is not true. Jasmine flowers blossom just like that. To say that they are laughing at a person who is separated from his beloved is ‘Utprekshe’. Udayaditya also mentions “Chattana’ and ‘Bedande’ the genres documented by Srivijaya during ninth century in his ‘Kavirajamarga’. ‘Udadityalankara’ is merely an addition to a long list of works, composed on the model of Sanskrit adding nothing unique to the Kannada tradition.

7.      Publishing History:

1.1887, Padmaraja Pandita, Satsampradaya Kalanidhi Mudraksharashale, Bangalore

2. 1894, M.A. Ramanuja Iyyengar and S.G.Narasimhachar, Karnataka Kavyamanjari, Mysore

3. 1970, M.V.Seetharamaiah, D.V.K.Murthy Prakashana, Mysore

4. 1974, B.S.Sannaiah, Prabuddha Karnataka, Vol. 56-2 Mysore

5. 1996, C.Mahadevappa, Samshodhana KoThi, Bangalore .

8.      References: 1. Shastra Sahitya, 1975, M.V.Seetharamaiah, Bangalore University , Bangalore 2. Kannada Kavyameemase, S.M.Hiremath, Gulbarga

9.      Manuscripts: Many manuscripts at the Kuvempu Institute of Kannada Studies, Mysore and one each at Digambara Jaina Shale at Mudabidri and Karnataka University, Dharwar.

10.   A Textbook of Rhetoric written by Udayaditya.


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